Société Générale : le casse-tête concernant la cession de la filiale ivoirienne
Le Ghana inaugure officiellement sa première raffinerie d’or
Cameroun : 174,2 milliards FCFA engrangés en ventes pétro-gazières de janvier à avril
L’Etat du Cameroun rembourse plus de 740 milliards de FCFA de dettes au premier semestre 2024
L’Afrique a capté 61 % des engagements de BII en 2023
Egypte : Amea Power va ajouter 2 000 MW de renouvelables d’ici 2025

Reporting & Management control
Your challenges
- Reduce your costs without significantly reducing the quality of your services or products
- Optimize your costs
- Improve your profitability
- Immediately improve your operating margin
Our offer
- Complete audit of your expenses in order to detect potential savings to be implemented
- Advice on prevention and management of occupational risks
- Optimization of social and tax contributions
- Optimization of overheads
- Assurance of the adequacy between a need and the means implemented to satisfy it